Remove the Time Limit Off Your Life

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Last week, we talked about “hating your here” because of destination addiction. So ready for the next, I’m getting frustrated trying to understand the WHEN to God’s Plan. In this episode, I remanence on the times when I’ve waited well vs. when I impatiently persisted against God’s preference, and how I ultimately regret going against His will for my life. During my surgery day story-time, I realize how I have to be just as willing to be out of control, as I am in the procedure room, allowing God to use this season to build my faith, grow my trust and to shape my character.




Bamboozled By The Blessing // What To Do After A Blessing // Crazyer Faith (Part 8) // Michael Todd -

It Had To Happen This Way | Dr. Khaalida Forbes -

“The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Exodus 14:14 

“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:31-33 


I am content with where I am at the moment.

Everything that I need will be provided to me at the right time and the right place.

I am determined to be happy and content.

I dedicate time to my happiness and well-being.

I am content even when life isn't perfect.

I choose to be happy even in times of challenge or difficulty.


welcome to a work in progress, the podcast - 0:00
destination addiction - 2:00

if He did it before- 5:40

if at first you don’t succeed, trust God- 6:33

waiting well w/ faith- 8:30

when’s the last time you were happy?- 13:52

waiting shapes our character - 16:48

called to wait?- 17:45

surgery day story time  - 19:10

being obedient, no matter how long the wait  - 26:08 

the world doesn’t revolve around me - 28:48

kingdom keys 32:03

episode affirmations - 40:20

send me a message

If you have any feedback on the podcast, please let me know on Instagram or send me a message below. 

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Thank you so much for listening to today's episode! If you enjoyed it, please subscribe! You can do so on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or wherever you listen to your podcasts! If you're not already watching the pod, don't forget there are accompanying video podcasts on my YouTube channel Beauty and Brains, so join me over there and subscribe to that channel as well! You can follow me on instagram and TikTok @BrelynnHunt or visit my website: for weekly podcast updates or to contact me to share your story.

Until next time, be sure to live each day to the fullest because you only live once, and give yourself some grace! We all are just a work in progress.

Brelynn Hunt

A passionate women’s health advocate, aiding in the maternal mortality crisis, Brelynn Hunt is a soon-to-be x2 HBCU graduate from Spelman College and Meharry Medical College obtaining Master’s Degrees in Physiology and Health Science. Personifying her brand: Beauty and Brains, Brelynn is in pursuit of her Doctorate of Medicine degree with plans to become an OB/GYN. This social media savvy lover-of-pink, uses her platform to influence and inspire digital mentees around the world as a YouTuber and Podcaster, with over 5 million lifetime views. She secured thousands in fundraising dollars for March of Dimes and lobbied on Capitol Hill through her service initiative Birth Equity 4 All. Brelynn hopes to show young girls they are not defined by where they come from and that they can achieve their highest dreams.

LET’S TALK: Cancel Culture


Why do you hate your “here”?